Sunday, December 25, 2011

Kardashian family denies the exploitation of workers and the employment of children

Kardashian family denies the exploitation of workers and the employment of children

Seems to be reality TV star Kim Cardchian as well as her family's controversial, in front of a new case is different from its predecessors in the world of the excitement of art, as the report was issued in connection with the defense of the rights of workers accused of family involvement in activities during which the employment of children or the use of adults to work in difficult conditions.
The magazine «Star» The rights organization working to open an investigation on the manufacturing process of some products with promotional signs for the family.
The magazine quoted Charles Kernighan, Executive Director of the Institute of International Labour and Human Rights, saying that the family Cardchian in an unenviable position.
Also added «Star», the report accuses the family of profiting from the products manufactured outside the United States is used in factories where workers «inhuman conditions».
A representative of the family Cardchian saying that the family that occupies news magazines «make sure this situation seriously,» he said, adding that manufacturers have assured the family more than once that the existing measures in the factories under the control of the patrol, and therefore, these accusations are unfounded. The representative of the family «We will continue investigating the case, and if it transpired that what is illegal, we stop we will work with the factory on the immediate».
For his part, the transfer site TMZ artistic Kernighan saying that his remarks published out of context, and that he advised the magazine Baltmhl publishing the report, adding that his remarks concerning the plants found in some areas of China, stressing that it has no evidence to confirm that the factories that work with the family Cardchian committed human rights abuses.


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